About iHavanese

How it all started...

More joy, more energy and personality entered our lives when we acquired our first female Havanese, Olive Owen. As an older pup, Olive wasn’t very social, she was afraid of practically everything, and, in short, she needed a lot of love. Now, with a beautiful, confident spirit and an eagerness to please, Olive is retired and living her best life.

Our Family

Rein is a beautiful, spunky little thing. We are super excited to have her. She is the daughter of Olivia and Rosco.

Daisy LOVES to smile! She is one of our social butterflies that is always looking for a car ride.

Brook is our quiet, sweet, cuddle bug. She loves nothing more than to snuggle up next to whoever is sitting on the couch. She is all about nap time!

Annie is the attention hog, in the best way. She follows us wherever we go. She loves being with her people. We think she’s just afraid she will miss something!

Cowgirl is our energetic bundle of energy! She’s still just a puppy and loves to play! She is one of Meadow’s girls.

Henry is absolute joy. He’s definitely the man of the house. He’s the sweetest boy that always brings a smile to your face.

Meadow is our sophisticated girl. She is fun loving, yet regal. She’s everyone’s big sister.

Rosco is a lovebug. Once you become his friend, you have a friend for life.

Olivia is our rule follower. She keeps everyone in line. She’s definitely the matriarch of the family.